Tuesday, February 18, 2020

HUMAN RIGHTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

HUMAN RIGHTS - Essay Example A charter was thus crafted that detailed the creation of the International Military Tribunal and the procedure to be followed during the trials. 2 Finally, the trials and the subsequent judgment handed down at the trials for such novel crimes as ‘crimes against humanity,’ ‘crimes against peace,’ (jus ad bellum) and ‘war crimes’ (jus in bello) committed during a state of war 3has established a precedent that became the models in recent cases like Rwanda and Yugoslavia. These judgments assailed, inter alia, on the grounds that they were based on a crime that was in the nature of ex-post facto law, were nevertheless just and fair considering the grievous crimes that were committed. The indictment of about 24 major defendants specified three kinds of crimes: crimes against peace, which included crimes of waging aggressive war, as opposed to self-defence, against other countries; war crimes, or crimes which violated the conduct of war in accordance with Article 46 of the Geneva Convention like â€Å"murder, ill-treatment, and deportation of populations in the conquered territories, the killing of hostages and prisoners of war, the seizing of private property, and the wanton destruction of villages, towns and cities,† and; crimes against humanity, or crimes committed before and during war like â€Å"murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts committed against civilian population.† Another crime, that of conspiracy, - the planned commission of the crimes by two or more persons - connected some of the crimes. After eight months of preparation, considered short for a major trial, the trial began on November 20, 1945. 4 To serve as evidence for the prosecution, the indictments came supported by testimonies, photographs and films – with the last two primarily coming from the Germans who obviously documented every atrocious deed they made with pride. The

Monday, February 3, 2020

Customer Relationship Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Customer Relationship Marketing - Essay Example customer acquisition it also includes the identification of valuable customers and intends to retain the valuable customers in order to increase the profitability of the company at large. The paper, therefore, shall focus on identifying the actual need of the CRM approach and on the contrary it shall also focus on certain problems faced by the companies. The first part of the paper, henceforth, shall be based on a business point of view rather than an academic perspective analysing the various factors of the approach in depth. The second part of the paper will try to justify the aspects discussed in the first part through analysing the theories and previously conducted research paper. To state the history or origination of marketing is indeed a difficult task. But evidences from decades have been emphasising on the issue to unleash the actual period when the thought and need of marketing were recognised by organisations. According to few researchers, authors, and analysts, revising the initiation of the marketing concept occurred in late 90s while the others argue it to crop up in ancient Greek. However, the marketers in their realistic practises were able to reveal the fact of a revolution in marketing thought with effect to its implementation. To state the fact in other words, marketing concept has changed drastically from the past to its present implication (Hollander & Et. Al., 2005). Consequently, the past phenomenon of marketing was centred on the development of the products or services rendered to the targeted customers. On the whole it was solely implemented from the perspective of the company rather than the targeted customers. To be specific, the companies were highly concentric on what they want rather than considering what their potential customers want from them. Apparently, with due course of time the thought of marketing implications transformed from the sole intention of meeting the companies’ requirements to the aim of justifying the actual