Saturday, November 9, 2019

Reflection Paper on the Story of Job Essay

The story of Job has enlightened me on how God really is. He is not rude or a punisher, but rather a God who gives challenges that he knows his people can surpass. Job has impressed me on how he never turned his back on God despite the losses he came across in his life. If I come to think of all Job’s struggles, and put my feet in his shoes, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. It’s a bit acceptable to lose possessions, but to lose one’s family is very devastating. Job lost all his animals, his house and his family, but instead of hating God, his faith in Him even strengthened. He thought that he didn’t have the right to question God’s decisions because God is the Almighty – the most powerful. What I also realized is that we usually remember to honor God when we are in need or when we are at our deepest sorrow. But we are ignorant in thanking God in times when our needs are fulfilled. At times, I ask God for guidance, strength and even small wishes like being able to pass in a certain subject, and I admit, I sometimes forget to thank Him. However, God is said to be forgiving and I know that no matter what challenges He gives us, his intention is to give us a lesson and correct our mistakes. Life really isn’t fair, but we all know that God has designed a special story for us to live in. We should just accept and adapt to what life has to offer.

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