Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research paper on Sweden Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On Sweden - Research Paper Example They face some distress and mistrust of people from different cultures. They are often afraid that other cultures will not understand them (Devito, pg 150). The geographical orientation of Sweden is another roadblock to successful communication. The country is separated by many rivers and forests. This makes it hard for people of different cultures to meet and mingle. Ethnocentrism is another noticeable barrier among the Swedish. They often feel that they culture is the richest as compared with other cultures. They therefore believe that other cultures should study their culture and not vice versa (Guirdham, pg 316). Americans are continuously trying to ease thriving communication with the Swedish. However several strategies are needed for this to actualize. The Americans should be Americans more open -minded to the Swedish culture. They should develop a positive attitude towards the culture. Americans should also be more flexible in accepting the Swedish culture. They should strive to be altruistic this will ensure that the Swedish group opens up to new ideas. The most effectual way for Americans to enhance communication with the Swedish group is by understanding and learning their culture (Verderber et al pg 117). This will ensure that the Americans learn the Swedish culture. In so doing the Swedish group will be compelled to learn and open up to more

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