Wednesday, December 25, 2019

President Dwight D. Eisenhower And The Vietnam War Essay

On the 7th of April 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower gave one historic press conference [1]. In that conference, he announced his so called â€Å"Domino Theory†. It was a substantial aspect of the US involvement in the Vietnam War, involvement in terms of its military support and methods used in Vietnam. Even though it was greatly enhanced by other factors, such as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, it was the trigger, and therefore the source of all US involvement in the Vietnam War. The main rationale of the theory was that if one country fell down to communism, all the surrounding countries would do the same, hence why it was called the ‘Domino’ Theory. Eisenhower thought that Vietnam’s fall to communism would lead to consequential communist uprisings in neighboring countries, such as Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. He also that that it could possibly extend as far as India, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia and New Zealand -[1]. This gave The US enough motivation, and more importantly, justification as to why they greatly increased military presence in Vietnam. Eisenhower said, â€Å"The possible consequences of the loss [of Indochina] are just incalculable to the free world.† [2]. Even though the theory was imprecise, and only Laos and Cambodia joined communism after the US lost the war, it was significant as the foundation of the US involvement in the conflict. The United States started increasing their involvement in Vietnam, partly due to the French failure toShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The Vietnam War983 Words   |  4 Pages â€Æ' The Vietnam War, a war involving the invigorating power of the superpower America and its democracy and freedom versus the almighty Russia and its tight fist of communism. This infamous war would go on to be one of the most controversial wars to date, but people rarely tend to have the knowledge behind everything that took place in the Vietnam war. 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