Thursday, January 2, 2020

Integrating Technology Within The Classroom - 928 Words

Literature Review In the last few decades, there has been a push for integrating technology within the classroom. Technologies has become commonly associated with the activities of everyday life, as a result, there has been increased pressure to include technology in classrooms, kindergarten through twelfth grade since the 1980s. (page #?Grant et al., 2015). This technology push has only increased since the last century; educators are no longer responsible for teaching the ‘traditional’ reading, writing, and arithmetic pedagogy of the past. In respect, students are no longer viewed in the same ‘blank slates,’ but as collaborators in their learning. This collaboration is effective in preparing students for the job market of the future, in which these technologies will be ever present and constantly changing. In the 21st century, teachers and students have access to a constantly evolving series of technologies which has facilitated a continued interest in how to use these types of technology in educational environments. Through the incorporation of educational technology models and theories, the practitioner’s focus is specifically on how technology can be used to improve student performance through processes, procedures, and tools. Processes and procedures may comprise any task or intervention involving anything from a simple instructional strategy to a complex instructional system. (Wade et al., 2013). However, successful integration of technology will only occur whenShow MoreRelatedIntegrating Instructional Technology Essay1046 Words   |  5 PagesIntegrating Instructional Technology Rationale The intention of the Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan is to enhance the use of technology in the classroom to improve the education that students receive in their learning and communicating. 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